Sunday, September 14, 2014


The Terminator by DirtyGreatPixels

xxxxxxxxx PRETTY UGLY PRETTY xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

It is real hot. I am so glad. I cannot even begin to explain how happy that makes me. I mean I do appreciate the happy hot times for sure. That is what makes SoCali soo Cali. I am happy because finally people out here can get a taste of the heat I was talking about. I was begining to think I was going to be made out some type of person that exagerates for no reason. "Oh it is so hot out here you wouldn't believe!" That was me explaining to visitors how hot it was during the last days of Summer (for some reason I was wearing my hair in a ponytail as I recalled that incident-I, however, have no hair O_o ). Now, after what seemed like a cooling trend, it has become SoCali again. It is hot up in hrrre. The air is hot, the sidewalks are scorching. Cars, buildings, benches, all of them hoooOOot. It is okay, actually, more than okay to wear shorts just about anywhere you want. Love it.
I have one request. I will draw the line at wearing those shower sandals with socks. You know the ones proffesional sports players wear while giving interviews in, or as they leave the locker room. Stop that. It is pretentious. It looks dumb when the "proffessionals" wear it. You are not famous enough to not slip on some shoes as you leave your lockerroom/livingroom, or at the very least take off those sports socks. You will not be drafted into the NFL because you dress like a grown man that is too important to live in the real world. While we're on the subject: LADIES please quit wearing pajama bottoms to the supermarket in the middle of the day. We're buying foodstuffs, for crying out loud ;)



Well I showered and this is about as close to a nude as I’ll go.


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