Thursday, October 16, 2014

Monday Oct 20 - LAST DAY TO REGISTER TO VOTE#Thursday




Howdy fellas!! How goes it? I hope all goes great this week. I hope your week has gone superb. What about your wishes?-may they come true. Your dreams? crystal clear and easy to follow. May all the good things in life be visible and attainable to you. May you figure the way to get and then appreciate what it is you seek. All right? Allright.

hey my chimichanguitos, If you live in the United States make sure you are aware that November 20 is the last day to register to vote. That means that if you have not done that yet, or have changed home address since the last election, 2 years ago, you have until Monday that is 4 days left to do that. Today is Thursday. It is a beautiful day.manwasIdrunk


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