Thursday, May 17, 2012

North Hollywood* Thursday. Body lovin' (as in: woo! everybody lovin' you)

Time is flowing like a river to the sea.         Time.

And something a little more up.               Blank dogs: Keeping all the time.



Please let's not fear life and all it has to offer. Embrace it and let time do what time does best.

I know I joke around about your weight. I say you're fat, all the time. I say I'm fat, all the time. I don't mean it as a bad thing or to be mean. I'm sorry if you took it that way.You are fat, by the way, as am I. I love fat. You say I'm stupid, I hope you're playing around about that, too. Listen I joke around about a lot of things all the time. I need you to know that I've never meant I don't think you're beautiful just the way you are, yes, you hear that everywhere all the time. I know. I am serious though. I can't imagine my life without you. I don't care how you look. You are magic to me. If you loose a couple of pounds good, if you gain a couple of pounds good (I did).
     I would hope to the heavens up above that you know time goes by. We get old, and physically we change. That is the way it goes. It is a good thing: wrinkles, grey hair, baldness. Take them as badges of things done and times survived. 120,000 people die each day. Let us wear our badges in their honor, yes? It is a great thing getting old I assure you. I would never want that the way you look to dictate what you can or cannot do.It is just the way things go. We are not meant or designed to be ageless. We must not look the same, we would never appreciate the past or the present, if tomorrow morning nothing changed and we looked the same, regardless of how we treated our bodies. Does that make sense? Yes, we may behave differently if we looked like twenty-two forever. If we don't use sunblock, we may pay in the near future. If we do not exercise a little each day, our bodies may pay sooner than later. Such is life, and life is good. Choose today to get better, don't wait for something to happen, in order to start appreciating the body you have, now. Do it now. Be thankful now. Don't wait for the right person to show up before you start taking care of yourself and exercising. You are the right the person. Don't wait till later and think plastic surgery is a viable answer to holding on to you're youth. Hold on to your youth now, recreational plastic surgeries just makes you look out of place with those of you're age. Pray you don't have one go wrong. Hold on to your youth now that you have it. Squeeze every last minute out of everyday. It's your life, don't waste it in front of a television set or computer monitor. "But I'm not young, anymore" you say? Let a couple of years go by and you'll know that in fact you were younger. Time doesn't stop. EVER. But please don't be fearful of life either. Do not let fear keep you from doing anything. Don't let fear of what people may say or may think of how you look affect your choices. Fuck 'em. My only suggestion? do it now...time doesn't go in reverse. By the way you look great, just the way you are.




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