Wednesday, May 30, 2012

NOHO Wednesday- working out and stuff...

One two three. I'm still on it. My quest to be better, get better. I don't plan to spend more than a little bit of time on it. I'm at 56 minutes give or take. I think that is the perfect amount of time I should dedicate to making things up. The rest of my day is allotted to work of some kind, and fixing or eating food and connecting with loved ones. And the time I've set aside to make this blog possible. Which is not that great overall.That is what is super important in my life right now.
How about it have you guys broken down your hours in a day somehow?And what goals you'd like to achieve? long and short?
Don't worry if you haven't, I'm not doing any of that yet either. I'm gonna get started on the short terms goals soon, I hope. The long term, well, that is just something to think about. I mean what do I honestly want to be doing 5-6 years from now?-I've got to think about that.   Maybe you should to, sleep on it, nothing too hurried you know, what would you like to be doing five years from now?
    While still doing your workout if you've decided to join us. I know the long weekends tend to put people off any regiment they've set up for themselves. I had an excuse for yesterday,now it is gone. Today is today. Let's do it!!!!


I've been told that there is a male walking around NORTH HOLLYWOOD, going on a leisure walk if you will, that is fond of wearing giant sun hats. I would like to point out that it is in fact not me. NOT ME. I would also like to point out: how dare he! everybody knows that giant sun hats are my thing!!! What's next? is he going to take my favorite song that I love to dance to at all the clubs???THATS MY SONG...



so I still am in a bit of pain from my calves and I don't want to spend too much time on it except to tell you guys that it does happen and be careful. I won't stop going around this fair city and working out. Instead of aggravating my calves more by walking today, I took a bike ride for an extended amount of time and sweat while my calve felt much better when I stretched it out on the bicycle pedal. I won't stop. I hope you guys are doing better than great and are in your cities doing your thing. I am in NOHO.

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