Sunday, May 27, 2012



ONE TWO THREE. On my quest. I'm attempting to be a better person. I've got three goals in mind. I'm starting with a physical workout to get my body in shape. I'm asking for company in this, because as much as I love being alone at times I also like having people to share an experience with. I think we can all benefit from this and it's a good way to save money. You don't have to pay someone to remind you to or check your work out daily. We'll do it for free. You check on here and see where I am and hopefully that will motivate or remind you to do it, also. I don't know what the level of work out your doctor told you to achieve but I agree with him so stick to it. If you are not there yet we can get you there. I've  managed to reach a whole 56 minute workout, painfully slow, I might add,  in 15 minute increments. I started out walking for 15 minutes straight, without stopping and in a steady breathing pattern out of my nose. It was not as easy as I remember, but slowly I've built on that (with the soreness to prove it) to achieve my goal of working out for 60 minutes with a time to stretch and cool down, afterward. I will continue to be on here updating you guys on my progress. I think this a great time to get in shape for two reasons. One- it is no near the new year and all that pressure to get stuff acomplished by because of the finality of the year, so essentially you are getting a head start on the new year and anything done between now and then is just a bonus. Reason 2- If not today, when?, today is as good a day as any to be better, right?-so come on! Let's do it.

I've gotten to the level where I am sweating and pushing myself to stay at that level because all I really want to do is watch a movie at the end of the day. I am sweating and getting all the benefits of doing something physical for an extended amount of time. I intend to stay at this level to maintain the benefits and hopefully you will decide that it is good for you, too. I ran and was almost able to breathe through my nose the whole time, once I start breathing through my mouth I get tired, easily, it's very strange. So I'll continue to do this until I do not hurt, or do not hurt as much, because I do hurt.


 If I had a dance troupe we would be called Toot-y Froot-y. We would dress in fruit appropriate colored outfits. Purple would represent grapes, yellow would either represent  bananas or lemon and so on. If I had a dance troupe we would dance hip hop and hard bubble gum pop, and compete around the country, maybe. I'm not quite sure, yet.



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