Thursday, July 26, 2012


Don't forget it doesn't matter where in the world you're at, we all share the same sky, always. We are more alike than different, right? No matter how some would like to believe it is not so.



Welcome to Man was I drunk!.The place where I try to make sense of things. The place where I can talk to myself and get motivated or stay motivated or express my awe. This is the place where I sometimes vent at the political landscape or lack thereof, at the apathy that permeates our daily lives. I talk to myself but by all means feel free to take anything that may apply to you. I feel honored to have someone visit let alone take from here, this little space on the internet that I have decorated with the re-purposed and the re-blogged.  I'm enjoying your guys efforts and pictures greatly, thanks. I'm amazed. -R.





Welcome to the place where I give thanks for all the blessing I've been  given and continue to receive on a daily basis, sometimes on an hourly one.
Yes it can be all good. It is sometimes hard to accept that all things can be great and greater, I know because I didn't really believe this could be true, no matter what I did. I stopped my negative thinking and actively am searching for happiness and I find that it was always very near me, I just have to let it in.
I am simply not looking for excuses and reasons to not be happy, I am actively looking for the good things that are happening all around. These things, you see happen all the time, but they don't happen just to me. Good things happen all the time to others around us, also. Just being present when good things happen even to someone else elevates your moods. Without getting to complex, That is to say that if someone gets a surprise party or a flower delivery at work and you are witness to this and you are happy for this person, you too get a sort of contact happiness, even if it was not meant for you, you still benefit from being around these good things.
 if you don't limit your self to a mediocre living to just making it to 40hours a week and a drink on the weekend, it can happen. If you don't sit around complaining taking scraps of life, etched out and scraped together because that is what you were told to accept as reality, and real life. Nobody knows what you can achieve except you and the limits you set for you. So buckle up and get ready for greatness, my yummy sweet,  chocotacos, cause it's happening...starting now. U Ready?


                                  Tomorrow is Friday, already!

And please don't let anyone tell you otherwise, it is a beautiful day and a wonderful time to be alive and if you happen to find yourself surrounded by people that do nothing but complain, complain and then complain about that some more it's time to limit their complaining time with you. (I ain't got time for bronchitis),You've got to make time to be thankful for all the good things that are happening left and right all the time. You've got to make time for the good stuff about to happen. People that do nothing but complain are not bad, they just need to focus their attention on the good things that are going on...right now. Some don't want to do that at all, it's more fun complaining, give them a get well hug every time you see them real or imagined, cause they really need one. So much to be thankful for, The good health the working limbs the attractive face on you, and look at those eyes. How can you complain??-You're gorgeous!!!-right?-  RIGHT ON.


                                      UGLY?  / PRETTY?     prettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglypretty

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