Thursday, July 12, 2012





woke up early and continued my journey to get better physically by walking and sweating. You will see the days get hotter now. So I have to get the workout in earlier or later. Yesterday, I did it in the evening when it was cool enough and it still felt hard to breathe. I consume water by the glassful and it feels sooo good. AHH


                NOHO-Summer is here!!! If you have any doubt step outside.

   Some people are already complaining about the heat. Need I remind you of the time it was so cold that your toes would not warm up no matter where you put them? Or the time it was so cold in the morning, even global warning sounded like something that couldn't be all bad? Let's just take a deep breath and enjoy this wonderful day and do things to make this enjoyable, Popsicle, snow-cones, roller skates or swimming pools, lounging outside at night and breathing in the blossoms of the evening, so darn cool! Only in the summer, baby! soon enough, if your lucky you'll be wanting to stay in bed, it's so cold.



                                  Tomorrow is Thursday already!-hope it's all coming together and hope we're still throwing things at the wall and seeing what sticks. I love it, let's do it before the weekend is on us.


                                      UGLY?  / PRETTY?     prettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglypretty

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