Wednesday, July 18, 2012




           MOVIE FRIDAY: Mr. Deeds

Ah Longfellow Deeds, but another memorable babbling fool to add to Adam Sandler's Universe of Characters and so many actors featured. There is nothing wrong with filling the screens with well intentioned and amusing film fare. Decent characters with good hearts, like real people, are not always perfect.  No Oscar here, but who needs one, when everyone and their favorite child actor has appeared or will appear on your movies, right?
    Enjoy Adam Sandler in: MR DEEDS.

                                NOHO-  JUST THIRTY MINUTES A DAY???
It's not a matter of whether or not to change. You will change, want it or not. The question is if you are going to change into someone you're going to be proud of or if your future self is going to be that grumppers of an old man that hordes newspaper clipping and vinyl records, alone. Living just to make everybody pay for your having been forced to live an unhappy youth and lousy existence.
Let's look at ourselves in the mirror at some point today and take responsible for our choices. And in doing so take back our lives. Our happiness is out there. Maybe you'll be married, maybe not. But somewhere out there is a job or a hobby some volunteer work that can make us giddy with happiness. We just have to think about what makes us happy. Focus on getting better. It so within reach. if we just quit looking for excuses and reasons to be unhappy.
  C'mon! Let's get fucken happy. We deserve it, right ?
The answer is yes. When looking in at yourself in the mirror be sure to answer : yes.

We're gonna be good, no we're gonna be great.

And if you're having trouble making stuff happen in your life, and you need some organizing, well, check out this link:





Some people think that being happy all the time is ridiculous. I think that is the most silliest myth about emotions that I have ever heard. I want not just for myself, but for you guys also, to be as happy as you possibly can be. Especially those of you that have experienced your share of the opposite of happiness. Prepare yourselves for the next stage in your life with gusto. Take a bow and get ready for happiness. If your not used to it, well then get ready. If you still have trouble feeling you deserve it, just look in the mirror and see the face of someone who finally deserves it, regardless of what you think anyone else thinks. Everybody deserves to know what happiness feels like. Don't think you can have too much of a good thing. No such thing exists. If you are happier than you've ever been, well then maybe you can spread some of that happiness around. How? -I'm sure you'll find a way. It always works out. Now let's get ready for good things coming our way. Are you ready??? 1.2.3.
Photo: If you're baking cupcakes from the new Food Network Cupcakes! App for iPad, we want to see the photos! 

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                                  Tomorrow is Saturday, already!
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                                      UGLY?  / PRETTY?     prettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglyprettyuglypretty

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