Sunday, July 8, 2012


get your NOHO, hot and ready



It's Sunday My BRO-chachos, any special plans??? c'mon make something special happen and be sure to acknowledge and appreciate it for what it is even if it's only good in its intention. We love good deeds.



Up an Ready in the NOHO-

    Don't forget to join me in trying to be a better person by doing whatever it is that is at your disposition to change, your world by recycling, or your legs by exercisizing. I do it once a day, I stetch and go on a walk for thirty minutes. I've also incorporated water and not so heavy dishes in my diet. You can join me too, don't forget to ask your doctor, he always knows...most of the time.
    I also had a doctor who kept asking me what I did for fun to diagnose something I went in to see him for. I thought he was gonna try to ask me out. I have nothing against doctors especially those that have no boundries or borders, I was just to emabarassed to tell him that when not drinking with my homegirls and some lady fingered friends, I liked to eat oatmeal by the box with tons and tons of butter, peanut butter, and almost any fruit jam or jelly, while trying out cool new do's and don'ts to mah hair. It turned out he didn't want to ask me out, which worked out for both of us, I could no longer undress in front of him comfortably, his place of business, what would co-workers say?-And I was feeling terrible because I would go out till all hours of the night and then go to work the next day sleep deprived and cranky if not worse. I needed three days to recover from going out financially, emotionally and physically, by then it was time to go out again and repeat. So there you have it.
    If you don't have a doctor well you may get one soon if legislation goes through and it doesn't get knocked down without any replacement plans. Some people need medical help, and some people don't care.Me? I care, I like to care. I don't like to think I care, which is different is located in where it originates from one the mind the other the heart.


dress for success




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