Saturday, July 18, 2015

READING ETHAN MORDDEN -Second Job Saturday. Companies and banks that we need to remember.

What is up my chimichangos! I cannot believe that this has been the first  week of my having a second job. Wow, that was quick! Guys I guess that this is the sign of the trickle down effect of a bad economy. It finally trickled down. Some lost their homes, some had to sell their valuables, take a pay cut at work. Some lost their job entirely. Some still cannot find work, because of job scarcity, jobs not paying enough,  or worse depression. Meanwhile CEOs have record raises and salaries. Banks are moving along happily; cutting staff personnel as we speak,  replacing people with machines.  What we should do is replace those companies with better companies.  Companies that want and appreciate customers. Some of us had all those things happen, and then have to get two jobs. Two low paying jobs.  It happens. Manwasidrunk gets it.
  That's okay I suppose, because we won't soon forget  those that took advantage of people and circumstances. Banks and large Companies/Corporations that won't help the US economy  and those in need will be rememberedfor sure.

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