Tuesday, April 1, 2014




    Who are we kidding, guys? I mean seriously I haven't stopped listening to this CD since I got it. It sounds so complex and it's got so many layers and seriously I love the Arcade Fire, for continuously putting out a good work. They just keep doing it. I bought it and I said I was going to slow down the listening of it so as to not get tired of hearing it over and over. I love them and every album they put, out I play incessantly. It turns out I do not have the self control to put this aside. I have to find something to listen to in it's place. It is a weird piece disguised as art that sounds better and better with every listening. Look at me I'm gushing like a little girl. I know they ponder deep and soulful. True. Truth is Arcadio Fuegos (yea I said that. Out loud too, lol) they groove like weirdos with a committed effort. Here at manwasIdrunk! we love the weird, the commited and the groove?, huh! let's not even go there.
    I don't know if you have seen any of the images associated with this release. It is weird and more visually oriented that previous work. I mean seriously going for the visual attention. It comes off as weird to the uninitiated, but have no fear the music is there. I was watching some late night show and they made an appearance, and I seriously thought it was bizarre and was weirded out for a bit by the big heads. I was fearful, almost. I'm used to it, already, and expect more and bigger for any follow up video or appearances.
    I should mention that this album has visual stunts that may be considered weird. Weird.

Ominous looking sketched lettering placed strategically, which makes it look mysterious and cult-like. Black and white color scheme. Big heads (yes, big papier-mâché heads) and night-time or dark environments. Seriously though, LADIES AND GETLEMEN: THE ARCADEFIRE!




  Arcade Fire - Reflektor [Full Album]


                      IS THAT AN OBOE, A TUBA ???

"If you're looking for help, just try looking inside" -Here comes the night time 

When you look at the sky, just try looking inside, God knows what you might find.


Arcade Fire - Here Comes the Night Time


Arcade Fire - Here Comes The Night Time live from Capitol Studios. October 29, 2013.

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