Saturday, April 26, 2014


My dear xhimichangos, I am writing to say that I hope these words find you in the best of health, the highest of spirits and a heart full of joy. At the very least you made it through the night. That is a good thing, because if you are awake and alive, (with a physical body , of course), anything is possible. Are you ready for the world? Because as I've mentioned before and I am sure you know, the world is going to happen ready or not. What I have made, besides the  choice to live without tragedy (ooohh yeaaa that's a choice), is the choice to stay calm  and accepting of things that will happen regardless of what I do, while doing things that giude me in a direction that I want to travel in. I will continue to write and draw and post creatively and in a positive light that grows and fosters still more growth. 
    Welcome fellas to the new year. I feel compelled to say welcome to the new era because things are so much more different than two decades ago. A time I remember all too well. I don't recognize many things and their modern forms or shapes . Things like communication, human connection, legitimate news, social unrest. It's okay, though. I have a feeling that will come later. In the meantime let's stay positive, and try to remain informed (as hard as that has been made) and registered to vote on a moments notice.

   Thurs I can see that things this year are gonna be something to get a tight hold on. I mean that I need to start approaching things with attention and bright eyes, instead of a dismissive glance, and always ready to tackle the next project. This is a time to focus more. This is a time to slow down and appreciate things for what they are and the timing they take. This is all we can do, even though sometimes I wish things didn't happen at the time they do. I keep wishing things happened on my schedule. That is not always how things work out. I am practicing not freaking out for every thing that doesn't work out right away. Ahhh patience.

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