Monday, January 16, 2017

2017 REPUBLICANS SO FUNNY- Martin Luther King Jr. Monday Jan 16, 2017

Oh what???? Is there two posts today? TWO??? Happy Monday Chimichangos, that is correct there is two posts today. It is a very special week as we will have a presidential inauguration and what a presidency it's looking to be. A president who lacks all qualifications and seems to be determined to dismantle all protections for the poor that have taken decades to build. Illegitimate, is a word I heard over the weekend. He has no real plans EXCEPT the plan to dismantle and destroy. We have to oppose all acts that are designed to remove protections and benefits for the poor and those who cannot defend themselves. We're going to have to work a little harder this presidency because this election seems more and more like a hate crime in and of itself. It seems to have happened for no other reason than to hurt and destroy. This is 2017 and we've worked too hard to get race relations on a level that we can discuss race and rascism, and while we have a long way to fix race relations we will not go back. It is Martin Luther King Jr. day. It's a perfect day to post twice. Okay are you guys ready for work? I started getting ready since the November election, now here we are. 2017! ManwasIdruk.

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