Thursday, March 14, 2013


Have you ever tried to quit caffeine? I think it's good to quit your vices and bad habits, even if you intend to go back to them. If for nothing else, doing it just to prove to yourself that you can, is cool. I was surprised to find that it was almost impossible to do without the simpler things, like sugar and salt, compared to more obvious bad habits that I overindulge in like ice cream, chocolate. Sugar is in everything, in one form or another. Caffeine and nicotine, though, by far are an abundant enough set that it is so easy to become used to them, gradually, almost without your knowledge. If you really want to you can rid yourself of any one of these. Seeing as how some of these are awful for you, yes, it could be a good idea to consider leaving them behind. Even for good.

    Honestly, I do recommend you give up any bad habits if you have the inkling to, but, easy? I wouldn't necessarily say easy, worth it, yes. I have quit several things before. I have quit drinking coffee before, and didn't and don't see a problem with doing it again. I recognized the facts. Added up the parts. I had quit drinking coffee before, on occasions when I felt I was consuming more than my share.
    Funny story: This last time, though, when I stopped, I noticed nothing different when I substituted my regular coffee for hot tea in the morning. All day I drank hot herbal non-caffeinated tea. I had plenty of energy. After the morning passed (my usual coffee hours), I didn't really think about coffee. I worked well, and slept well, but the next day I felt so sick. My whole body was consumed by such pain. My head was killing me. I knew i was coming down with some kind of flu. I went to work and wished for relief. I had a headache that wouldn't go away. It was an all encompassing type of pain. I finally got some relief when I lay down, after work. I didn't sleep, I just closed my eyes. That was the only thing that helped. I felt horrible. Already, I made plans about calling off of work the following day, if symptoms continued. A bit reluctant to toss medicine at physical symptoms, as I've become, I was worn out by the time I downed a couple of pain relievers with some water. That helped, somewhat. I dreaded the following day, already. Quietly I went to sleep, curled up in the dark, the only thing I could tolerate. In my dreams, feverishly, somewhere, I looked up the symptoms I suffered from, on my computer. When I woke up the following morning, sore as if I'd slept on pebbles and boulders, I looked up my symptoms on the computer as I had done in my dream. I found several sites pointing to the same thing. What caused my ache?- Results: migraine headache. What can cause migraines?-Causes : varied and several, one stood out: caffeine.AHA! I THOUGHT I WOULD DIE. The culprit was plain to see now. I was withdrawing from caffeine like a freak!! I had a big cup of coffee and followed it up with another. I left my desire to quit toxic things for another day, I didn't want to be late for work, even worse, I preferred not to feel like shit that day. That was my first migraine ever. I truly feel for all you regular sufferers. My heart goes out to you. It's been a couple of months since that incident. It in no way should dissuade you from such attempts, I know it hasn't me. I'm rounding up troops for the next attempt. Am I ready?- we'll see...!ut/p

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