Friday, March 29, 2013


I've been so crazy with projects, I love it! I hope you guys have got your projects for the year already in the works or pretty near getting into high gear. Now, I am not talking about those projects that work keeps throwing at you (those never cease to keep coming with urgency), I'm talking about those projects you've been meaning to get to and hope to get completely into full swing pretty soon. I'm talking about those projects that will allow you to fully enjoy your time and make the most out of every day. I'm talking about that garden you've been wanting for quite some time. the one that will help you relax at the end of the day. the one that will have all your attention and soothe your nerves when the world gets whacky, and the world can always get whacky. But your not very good with plants, you say even though they bring you so much joy. No worries! create a garden of succulents, you know those plants that are hard to kill and look pretty awesome when dressed up with interesting pots. I had the problem that the NOHO can get a bit white hot in the summer and any plant that is exposed to the elements for the couple of weeks that are just crazy hot, will get burned if not planted in the ground. All potted plants would just wilt and wither, in the sun. I finally found the right type of plants that were able to withstand the SOCALI hotness and built on that. Once I established some plants, they provided shade and shielded the other ones from the extreme elements. I now have a healthy garden that is sturdy enough to move with me wherever I decide to move. I dig it tons. And yes, it does provide hours and hours of relaxation time for me. You may have other projects that you are want to get started on and you've been meaning to but somehow it just keeps getting away from you. CATCH IT. Whatever project you have waiting in the wing, catch the beginnings of that project. You've got to start somewhere, and why not now, if you haven't already?

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