Saturday, March 30, 2013


Get out of your house, buddz, leave. It's that time of the year where everything green is blooming. EVERYTHING IS BLOOMING!!! plants everywhere are showing their best efforts at dazzling you into amazement and trying to get as much attention as possible. Have you ever wondered why everything screams out for your attention during this time of year? Why there are so many flowers, and why everything smells just bomb-a-licious? Its like ADVERTISEMENT SEASON FOR PLANTS. The plant that gets the most recognition and attention has the better chances of getting pollinated and that is just the bestest plan. Bees and other pollinators are attracted to flowers, from the longest distances, for their scents colors and sweetness. When pollinators get up in the mix, they are after the sweetness that flowers produce. What pollinators also get, when they're all up in it, is messy. Pollinators get all messied up with pollen, that all flowers produce, and when pollen gets into the egg also located on the flower, this magic produces a seed. That is why all over the plants are just going coo coo, with color and scents. Take advantage of this, go out. Get out, even if it not to Paris or London. Take a stroll in your neighborhood, and you'll be able to see the magic renewal of nature that is spring. Take advantage of AD WEEK for plants. Get away from your computer screen, for a few, and enjoy life as it occurs in the elements. Always enjoy life, the ups the downs.

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