Thursday, May 24, 2012

North Hollywood Thursday. I walked into this one bar in NOHO

I'd like to use my time better, and be a better person. Can using my time better make me a better person?

I'd like to use this space to kind of do things on a day to day basis and stay on target, schedule, or whatever means of achieving things work for you, but on a daily basis. Of course you can check in whenever you like. I am here working on this, feel free to join me.
                                                       PHYSICAL CHANGE
Wow, what a day yesterday, huh? and it was only Tuesday. I'm telling you each day, heck, each minute really is what you make of it. Well here, we like to appreciate every waking moment. Not much you can do while you sleep, unless you're considering lucid dreaming and... I saw VANILLA SKY. I went out and did so much exercise as to be in pain yesterday. I trotted during my walk. I trotted for  a good chunk of my 56 min. walk. I have not trotted or jogged or even moved really quick in over a year. I felt the results of my commitment. I an so fucking happy to say that upon waking up today, I put my feet on the floor and wished for the best and after walking around a few minutes I was certain my soreness had diminished by 75%. I was so relieved. It was as I had imagined: just my body getting used to being pushed. If I recall correctly so long as I keep up the same amount of exercise, my body should not be as shocked and bounce back quicker, as the days go by. I intend to do the same routine tonight, and already know the level of discomfort that awaits me, and I am happy to have it.
    Don't forget, I'm simply walking for an hour, that is what has caused such pain, well that and the decision to jog for a bit. The bouncing effect is definitely a game changer (I hate that phrase, lol, I just had to use it-The record set by this particular movie is definitely a game changer. The special effects used in this movie were definitely a game changer-TRITE).




I walked into this bar one day.

Bar number one is very cozy and lit in a manner to make you look good when you're in there. Be sure to talk up the bartender as they are friendly and love new people, sincerely. Many times I've forgotten my way home after a night of shots and a game of darts. They have karaoke with some regularity, so ask for hours and days and come dressed as your favorite singer. Nobody does it yet, but I think it's a tradition that needs to happen. The energy is very different and it greatly changes on these night.It's the kind of place where if you bring someone there they'll say :"why" or flat out "no" at the door. But if you go in and give it a chance, then go back and give it another chance, and then return again and decide to figure out how can this genuine hole in the wall out of another time still be open, then it grows on you.  You can see the entire length of the bar if you're standing in the right angle. It's usually got a slower traffic during the day, so if you just wanted to get out of the scorching North Hollywood sun and grab a cocktail (and if you're ever in the predicament of being in the North Hollywood sun, you'll want to swiftly want to do that or dive into the nearest pool) be assured no one will be jocking for a seat or the attention of the bartender or trying to outdo your outfit. It's a casual outfit and when you walk in the door don't think about it because, it's all you and the other few parched travelers who made it inside. So take your shoes off and give it a go, although, I should worn you I lost my shoes there once to a guy who offered me money for them, he was into that sort of thing. I didn't take any money I just did it as a lark (I kinda miss those shoes, but not as much as I love telling anybody who'll listen about it).

So, go in and RELAAXXX on the well worn bar stools and look at yourself reflected on the mirror as you order drinks, don't you look good in here?




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