Friday, January 25, 2013

big companies need bigger better plans-FRIDAY- MOVIE FRIDAY- THE GODS MUST BE CRAZY

    ...Yea, it's true, some of these big companies are awful to deal with and getting worse. Adding insult to injury are these commercials they insist on airing. They appear to be so helpful and readily available. NOT TRUE. It's  as if they truly believe that if they air a commercial enough times, we'll forget how truly terrible dealing with them honestly has become. ENOUGH. I'll just put a little reminder on this here manwasidrunk! Just to let them know that that they need to hire more people to handle the traffic any one of these communication companies has had steadily grow and apparently not be prepared to handle correctly, or deal with when needed. I thought we all had agreed that we had left the industrial age behind. This is the age of communication. Hire accordingly, big companies zaasaaaaa!

    These big companies that so joyously take and take need bigger and better plans to dealing with the rising demands of their customers over-the-phone service. I mean you may not need to show up at the electric company to pay your bill any more, but when you have an issue and it needs to be dealt with over your smartphone during your lunch hour, the last thing you want is to be funneled down an answering machine maze or some digital labyrinth. Hire more. Hire locally. Bigger companies need a bigger and better plan. GET TO IT.


What's not to love about the life you have now? right? You already know what to do if you don't like something, right? -c'mon if you want to change something there's only one thing to do. Let's get to it. READY?

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